Looking for a contact?🔍 The time has come to learn the power of the search bar!💪
The contacts search bar will help you locate the needed contact in no time, and this article will guide you through!
Let us start.
- Go to the contacts app.
- Enter the search bar.
- You can search by contacts first and last name, email and tags.
- Simply type the name or email of the contact, or select one of the existing tags and click enter. The contacts will be listed right away.
Note: You must add the tags to your contacts previously in order to be able to search them by tags.
Search conditions
When clicking the search bar you'll notice a Venn diagram icon, from which you can choose a search condition to match all or some of the conditions.
- To match some conditions (fully colored circles) means that it isn't required for the contact to match both your tag and keyword. Use this if you want to search for contacts matching either the entered keyword or the selected tag.
- To match all conditions (only the middle is green) will list the contacts that match all stated conditions. Use this if you want to search for contacts that include both the keyword and the tag(s).
Tip: Press Enter to search!
Stuff that is good to know. We have a bunch of them like, for example, learning how to export your contacts.
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