It's true - not all contacts may want to receive communication. A decision to be respected. Deleting contacts that have clicked that No consent button will reduce the number of your Loopify contacts.
A contact may also not respond to the consent page. Such contacts will have a not set consent status. You can still send them communications, but they have not given their approval.
This article will present how smart segments can be used to list and delete contacts that have a declined (❌) and not set (➖) consent, or only those with fully declined (❌) consent.
List and delete contacts with not set or declined consent
In order to do this, we need a smart segment to sort all contacts that have declined or not set consent:
- Go to the Contacts app.
- Under Smart Segments, click New segment.
- Name your segment (EX: Email or SMS consent declined or not set)
- Choose contacts matching all of the following criteria. We choose all because we are sorting contacts that have declined or not set both of the SMS and email consent.
- From the contact values, in a Contact data group, choose type Consent.
- Make the first criterion Accept email - is not true. This means that the contacts have either declined or not set their consent.
- Same goes for SMS. Add a second criterion Accept SMS - is not true.
- Save & Close this smart segment.
Clicking this smart segment will not list contacts that have accepted any consent, but only those that have either not set or declined.
List and delete contacts with a fully declined consent
A similar fashion for contacts with fully declined consent:
- Under Smart Segments, click New segment.
- Name your segment (EX: Email and SMS consent declined)
- Choose contacts matching all of the following criteria. We choose all because we are sorting contacts that declined both email and SMS consent.
- From the contact values in a Contact data group, choose type Consent.
- Make the first criterion Accept email - is false.
- Add a second criterion Accept SMS - is false.
- Save & Close this smart segment.
Now that we have these contacts sorted out, it's time to delete them. Click on a smart segment and tick the empty tick box right next to the contacts number. This will select all contacts from that segment. From the menu for all selected contacts, click Delete. The contacts will be then deleted but will remain in the Trashcan for 30 days. They can be restored in case you change your mind.
Note: You have now deleted contacts with declined consent. If in the future you re-import these contacts (with the same email addresses or phone numbers) on the same account, their consent will still be declined. If re-imported, their consent choice will appear as not set on their contact cards, but they are still opted-out in the system and will not receive any communication.
Just a reminder that smart segments can also be used to easily list and handle contacts with email consent and contacts with SMS consent.
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