If you've never been on a stage this is your time to shine. Actually, this is a metaphorical stage. You let the template shine using your magic. You'll get it.
- Drag & drop the modules in the template.
Hover over or click each module to see its menu:
- Move the module around the template to find the perfect place for it.
- Remove the module if you don't want it in the template.
- Duplicate module if you want the same module added to your template.
- Set the Module settings.
Module settings
These settings are different from one module to another. You can set some of them in the campaign as well. However, the Advanced settings can only be set in the template. They are not available in the campaign.
Every module has the four advanced settings:
- Editable: If you disable it, you can't edit this module in the email campaign.
- Movable: If you disable it, you can't move this module within the document in the campaign.
- Removable: If you disable it, you can't remove this module from the document in the campaign.
- Modules allowed: It shows where you can insert the other modules relating to the module in question.
- Save content to root module: Creating customized content and save changes on the inserted (original) module.
Personalize the module content
You can personalize the content of each module in the template.
- Customize the text, add links and variables to it. Learn to add links and add variables.
- Change and crop the image, as well as add image alt text. Read how to upload and crop images.
You are almost there! Read how to Save and publish your email template. You didn't do all this work in vain.
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