The Connect block is a neat way to connect events from Loopify to a callback URL that you provide. It works like a “reverse API method” and provides real-time information that are happening in your Flow. Just drag & drop it to your Flow, adjust the right connections and see it do its magic live!
- Add the Connect block to your Flow
- Click on its settings to set the parameters
Webhook Settings
Send a HTTP Post call
- To callback URL - a field where you need to provide where you would want this block to send the information. It usually is a link from your website, that is made “ready” to listen to any webhook calls. Add the full domain here, and note that the URL provided must start with the “http://” or “https://” prefix. Tip: This can also work with our External Form block. Read more here.
- including Contact fields - select which values from the Loopify fields will be sent to the callback URL. These work as ‘variables’, meaning that they will be converted to the actual contact data when they are sent. Example: Adding “First name” and “Last name” here would send the actual first and last name of each contact that reaches this block.
- Add Field+ - using this button, you can also add fixed fields. The names and values of these fixed fields are added by you, and their purpose is to further clarify the message that is sent to your provided callback URL. You can add more of these with the same Add Field+ button.
- Send test request - will send a test request with the setup in the steps above. The request will be sent to the specified callback URL This way you can check the connection before going live with the Flow.
A quick example on how this block can be used in an actual Flow:
- Let’s say a Contacts block is connected to an Email communication block, and this email block is connected to the Connect block with the event onOpen. When you activate this Flow, the contacts will start receiving the email, and with each open (per contact) - the Connect (webhook) will be sending you information to the callback URL that you set.
Use Webhooks (used if you want to integrate with Zapier).
- For a detailed overview and integration with Zapier, please reach out to our support.
Send data to account collections
- With this, you can use contact data to update account collection data.
- Select a previously-created account collection. Once you select one, it'll bind to this block. If you want another collection, just drop a different Connect block.
- You can then add fixed fields like email, ID and name and their values. In the values you can insert variables. The ID field is required.
Tip: Blocks after this block can be connected with onSuccess (the webhook was successfully executed) and onError (something went wrong in the process).
Advanced Info
When the Connect block is triggered, a POST call (more methods are coming soon!) will be done to the callback URL, with the following payload:
"signature": {
"signature": "placeholder_signature",
"timestamp": "0000",
"token": "placeholder_token"
"ids": {
"contactid": "placeholder_contactid"
"contactfields": {
"campaign.firstName": "ex.John",
"contact.externalID": "placeholder_externalID",
"contact.customField.regnumber": "placeholder.customField"
"fixedfields": {
"loopifyevent": "ex.bounce"
Note: Placeholders are used in the example, but they will be changed with real values.
The signature can be used to validate the call.
The algorithm used can be written like this in c#:
var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(flowId));
var sigBytes = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(timestamp + token));
string sigString = BitConverter.ToString(sigBytes).Replace("-", "");
return signature.Equals(sigString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Note: FlowID is found in the URL while you are in the Flow editor (example:
The token string is a random GUID with a length of 36 characters.
Tab reports
The block reports can be accessed after you activate your Flow campaign. For each report, a date picker is provided where you can select a specific date range and see the data of each block for the selected period. The pre-set date range for all blocks is All time.
In an active flow hover over the block and click on the Reports button. In the left panel, you can see the number of:
- Contacts that arrived here and
- Requests sent.
That's all for setting it up! Now it's time to make some POST calls! 📞
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