This is like a walk in the park. Do you know what superpowers do the Owner, Admin and User of an account have? If you don't, read our article that explains the three main account roles in Loopify. Before we start, you must know that the account role from User to Admin can only be changed by an Admin on the account.
Note: The role of the Owner cannot be changed by Users or Admins, only the current Owner can select a new account Owner.
- From the dashboard go to Settings > Users.
- Click on the user whose role you want to change.
- Hover over the access level of the user and click the edit button.
- A drop-down menu will appear where you can change the account role from User to Admin or vice versa.
Note: Users can see their account role (User/Admin) in the My settings window.
What a walk! Easy, wasn't it? 😉
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