The perfect thing for retailers and branches. Just call headquarters and ask them to share that sweet Flow campaign that everyone is so happy about. No, you don't have to make it from scratch. After it's made shareable, you can fully copy the campaign and use it on your account!
Note: To copy a ready-made campaign, you first have to integrate with the headquarter account. Then, the headquarter account needs to have at least one ready-made campaign that is available for sharing to branches.
Copy the ready-made campaign
And now, the glorious steps:
- Go to the Flow app.
- Scroll down to the campaign section.
- Click the Copy ready-made magic wand.
- A new window pops up with the shared ready-made campaigns from the connected headquarter account. Click the drop-down menu to choose an account if you are connected to more than one headquarter account. Type the name of the campaign in the search field to find it.
- Select the campaign you need.
- Click Duplicate.
- Give it a name and press OK.
- Your copy of the ready-made campaign will then be listed in the Flow list.
Note: Most of the Flow campaign will be completely duplicated. There are however some account-specific or sensitive settings that will not be shared. Read about which Flow information is shared and which is not.
- The scheduled start and stop dates are copied from the original, unless they became historical (past) dates at the duplication moment. Тhe status of а shared Flow will always be set to inactive.
Now that you have successfully copied a nicely-looking Flow campaign made by headquarters, it is time to take a look at it one more time. If it brings you a smile, then publish and active your Flow campaign. 😁
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