Wait! ✋ Before you go any further with sending your first email campaign in Loopify there are some additional steps to take. This is of importance to have a neat set-up and make your account-sending ready for when your company grows even more!
If your account is all new, you can:
- start by adding a new email sender - you can use your own domain or any address on our domain @lpy.io, to send your email campaigns!
- Speaking of using your own domain, it's an easy process that you must do at least 48 hours before you can use your domain.
- If you decide to use your own domain, it is wise to check if your domain has a strict policy on links. Check out our article about HSTS and make sure you got this right!
- Before sending an email campaign to your contacts, it is always smart to test your campaign first! - after all, the secret to a flawless campaign is testing!
- If you added a checkmark on the previous steps, it's time to warm-up your domain! This process is quite important if you are about to send a large volume of emails. Warming your domain up will smoothen the process.
And that's about it! You are good to go!
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