New to Loopify? Awesome, let's start by selecting an email template and creating a campaign. All the tweaks you can do in the template and campaign will be explained in detail for each app.
The same steps apply to all apps.
Go to the Loopify homepage and click the Email app.
- Then click +Add design template.
- This opens the ready-made templates that Loopify offers. Choose one of the templates and click on it.
This will open the Template editor.
- For now, just click Save as in the top right corner.
- Give the template a name and click Save.
- Then, click Save & close in the same corner.
This takes you back to the Email page. To use this template first you must publish it.
- Hover over it and click Publish.
- Now, hover over again and click Use.
This will open the Campaign editor.
Now it's a campaign opened in the Campaign editor. This is where you adjust the content and do a lot of things that change the campaign design.
- For starters, just change the dummy text and some titles. You'll learn to do everything else in time.
- To change the images:
- Hover over the image you want to change and press the change button.
- A new window pops up. Select Loopify Free Content from the images library drop-down menu.
- Use the search field to find the image you want or just use one of the predefined categories.
- Click on the image and then click Insert image.
Well done! Loopify being the cool web app on the block offers different templates. You'll miss out a lot not learning about them in Loopify templates before you learn how to Send your first campaign.
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