Now, we acknowledge that Flow is fantastic, and the possibilities are limitless when you know what you can do with Flow. 😎
Our flow can also offer you a few different states, let's go ahead and explain them one by one.
Test state
The test mode is to make sure that everything works flawlessly before going live. It comes in handy when you want to test more scenarios and to see how your campaign looks like.
To use the test mode properly, it's wise to have a campaign entry block and at least one communication block.
To activate the test mode you need to:
- Go to the activate tab.
- The campaign status should be set to Inactive if your campaign is not active yet.
- To start a test campaign click on the drop-down menu and then click Run Test.
- To stop the test mode click Stop Test, and all of the actions will be stopped.
If you are using the Contacts entry block make sure you choose the test members before starting the test mode. Now, the test members can be a part of a main segment, smart segment group, created as a new campaign segment, or freshly uploaded.
Tip: If you are using some of the other campaign entries make sure you use emails for testing purposes.
Live state
When your campaign runs smoothly in the test mode, and you are proud of it, you can go Live!
- Go to the activate tab
- To go live with your campaign, in the campaign status drop-down menu click Go Live!
When you click that Go Live button, your campaign is live and breathing. The campaign status will be set to active. Your form of communication will be instantly sent, and your scheduled communication will start waiting its turn. After going live, you can immediately see the reports bar, where you can keep track of your reports.
If the Test and Live state still confuse you can read to learn more about the difference between them.
Frozen state
After your campaign is live in the campaign status, you can see the Freeze button.
The Freeze option is recommended to be used for a minimal amount of time. While Frozen, you can quickly do some changes. You can fix errors like a typo in some of your emails, or add more contacts to your campaign. You can also change the campaign name or add or remove campaign tags.
But the Freeze option is not designed to be used for a long period of time.
Note: If you have a Loopify page linked to your email and the campaign status is set to Frozen - the users that already received the emails will not be able to open the page because the page link will be frozen as well.
Remember to save any changes you make! Additionally, when you click Unfreeze, you'll be notified that all your changes will be saved. Click Yes if you want to save your changes before resuming it. After your campaign is unfrozen the campaign will not start from the beginning, but it will continue running.
Deactivated state
The Deactivate button is placed right below the Freeze button, after going live with your campaign. The Deactivate option is meant to stop all the actions in the campaign and a window pops up where you need to confirm these changes.
Tip: Deactivating and then reactivating the flow when you have a File import or a Contacts block resends the communication to the same contacts. In a case like this, we recommend using 'Freeze'.
After deactivating your campaign, the campaign status will be set to Inactive. This option comes in handy when:
- You want to completely stop a campaign to make more time-consuming changes.
- Or deactivate your campaign if your Flow campaign is completed.
All campaign actions will stop, the links will still work but pages will be inactive.
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