If your links when clicked would not open your website, something's not right. We have covered one solution why your email links won't work (HSTS), go ahead and read that article to find all the details!
If you already did that step and your links still don't work, don't worry we have the solution!
If you are using Mac you'll need to fully clean your cached redirects from Safari. So it turns out that you might have opened a link with HSTS and now the browser kinda remembers that. But here are the steps on how to clean your cached redirects:
- Open your Launchpad and search for Terminal.
- Once the terminal is open write the first command: sudo killall nsurlstoraged (This command will stop your user’s nsurlstoraged process.)
- Once you click enter it might look for your machine password, enter it if you have one.
- Continue with the second command: rm -f ~/Library/Cookies/HSTS.plist (This command will delete the HSTS cache)
- After clicking enter this could return 'operation not premiered', unless you have granted Full Disk Access to Terminal.app in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy.
- And finally the third command:
launchctl start /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.nsurlstoraged.plist (This command will restart the nsurlstoraged)
And that is it! Just close the terminal and you are good to go! 🤓
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