Browsing around the Loopify's form fields, you'll eventually stumble across the Not You? field. Why "Not Me?" you might ask. Well, let's explain through a scenario like this:
- You are sending a personalized email to your contacts. The email has a button which leads to a Totally open Loopify page. Even though it's totally open, a Loopify page will be personalized when it is sent through a Loopify communication to Loopify contacts.
- Then, let's say this Page has a form with a bunch of fields, including the Not You? field. Since a contact opens this page through their personal email - the fields of this page might be pre-filled with the actual data from that contact. Example: if it has an email field, the contacts will see their actual email address pre-filled in this field. This is also the case for other fields that you have contact data for.
- The contact, seeing the pre-filled fields, could add new or update their own data, and then submit the page. Your contact in Loopify will then update with the newly-submitted data.
- If a contact however decides to share that page link with their lovely friend, an unwanted scenario could happen. The friend will open the link, and will also see the original pre-filled data from the first contact. Now, the friend might think that they can simply empty the fields and write their data instead, but on submit, this will overwrite the data of the original friend and it is not a scenario we want.
- This is when the Not You? field comes in handy. The friend will recognize that the data they see is not theirs. By simply clicking the Refresh page on the Not You? field - the page will refresh itself and the fields will be emptied. After refresh, the page will become Totally open, ready to be used by any other contact (regardless of being part of Loopify or not).
- Lastly, when the friend now adds their data in these empty fields and submits it - they will be treated as a separate contact and will not overwrite any data. Crisis- averted!
Note: After clicking Refresh page, only a Totally open page sent through a Loopify communication will empty the fields. The Not You? won't work for Personal pages, as they are meant to be personal.
This is why the Not You? field is almost a must if you are planning to link to a totally open page in your emails/SMS/prints. It may question the identity of your contacts, but it will stop data-overwriting!
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